A Mindful Design

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ELEVATE Yourself

There certainly are some myths around the concept of being your best version. Mostly it’s a misunderstanding of what we call a successful life. To approach being your best self you need a new perspective of success:

A successful life is the one that you love to live!

We often confuse success with productivity and busyness. We have these high expectations that are rarely motivational but feel a lot more like pressure and over time can distract us from all the little or mighty successes along our journey. This misconception is mostly just hindering us from living more joyfully and more with ease. The best thing about this day and age: You get to write your own definition of success. If you meet yourself with kindness and self-compassion, you get in touch with your best version – free from external variables and worries. Your best version is already inside of you.

And it should be no news: Self-care is not selfish. Taking time for yourself will improve your mental- and physical-health, your overall well-being AND your state of happiness. You deserve to feel amazing and empowered. This is the path to being your best self.

The following illustrations shine a brighter light on our power to create a successful life that is fully aligned with who we really are.




Free Will

Powerful Beliefs

You are already your best self under the layers of limiting beliefs – the truth is, we can replace them with powerful ones. Isn’t it more fun to have empowering beliefs?

“A belief is a thought that you like having.” – Unknown


Your feelings create the vibration you exchange between your inner world and your outer world. You literally have the ability to choose this energy. Be very aware of where you’re placing your energy.


Only in the process of playing with the idea to befriend ourselves we can grow and evolve. Go at your own pace and give yourself time to implement all the things that feel good for you. Mindfulness doesn’t mean you have to stick to certain practices like yoga or meditation. Although they are great sources to focus on ourselves and get more in balance within ourselves. But dancing alone to your favourite music, cooking a healthy meal for yourself or taking yourself for a walk to a new place are equally parts of a mindful life. In fact everything you do in a conscious way and especially how much you enjoy life in every moment is what mindfulness means. It’s the awareness inside of us with which we DO all things.

Be empowered. Be light. Be free.