A Mindful Design

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Affirmation – Beautify your mind

One of my personal working-highlights this year has been the redesign and illustration for the powerful app Affirm me. Not only because of the subject (which I love, obviously) but also because of the collaboration with like-minded and affectionate people – the developers and creators of the app. They put so much love and thought into the app and you can feel it in every detail.

The new design comes in two parts: First the category-tab, a useful guide with inspirational ready-made affirmations on topics of daily life. It helps you find and choose what feels right for you in an instant. This can be a great start for implementing a daily habit or especially if you are in need of a “quick good thought” in times of feeling anxious or overwhelmed. (The app also provides the awesome feature of writing your own affirmations).

The new suggestions-tab layout. By clicking on a button/leaf, you will get some nice and juicy affirmations…in the app, not here ;)

The second part is a new design for the achievements-process. This one is a great motivational feature of the app, to track your progress and also make it fun to keep showing up on a regular basis. The key to success is consistency after all ;) and the achievement-levels will make you actually enjoy your journey until you see the results (by reaping the fruits :)

I love the metaphor of planting a seed (your new thought) and help it taking roots and grow. If you could treat your mind like a garden, then you would probably plant some wonderful flowers and plants, right? Something you would enjoy every time you look at it. So imagine your beautiful thought is a seed carefully planted into the soil of your mind. You would give it love, water and sunlight. You would care for it and free it from any unhealthy relationships with suffocating weeds (the negative thoughts). You would actually treat it like a place you love to go to as often as you could. That is really how affirming works.

The ten stages of achieving your new mindset :) happy growing!

Affirmation is like a mindful pep talk to yourself. It is one of the most valuable loving ways of showing universal human compassion towards ourselves. Actually we are affirming a thousand times a day – most of the time unconsciously, and most likely not in the most positive of ways. So why not give our mind a dose of positivity and happiness? The true power lies in our ability to create the state of mind we really want to be in and resonate with exactly those feelings.

You do not have to force yourself to state a strong affirmation if it does not feel right or simply unbelievable to you. Start where you are, be kind and gentle with yourself. There is a ton of helpful guidance on the Affirm Me Blog.

It is all about getting into a better mood, a higher vibrational frequency. Just the slightest uplift is a benefit. So do not get intimidated by a goal that seems out of reach and you feel the affirmation is nothing you can belief in. Get yourself a “the closest I can get from here” statement.

My best tips for an emotional head start:

  • start with “I allow…”, I am open to…“ or ”I choose to…“. This will also make it feel more reliable for you, and remember it is all about the feeling you resonate.

  • form a question, this will help your brain not to get caught up in all the arguments why this can not be true, but rather go for a treasure-hunt, looking for where in your life this could be already true or even ways how to make it a reality.

  • get into gratitude-mode. As this is already a great way to feel better – if you find all the small and grand things you can be grateful for right at this moment – it will also uplift your mood for your affirmation practice.

But most of all have fun. Do not get rigid or freaked out about doing it “right”. Explore and make it your very own joyful way. This is where affirm me will help you as a friendly companion and gentle mentor for nourishing your beautiful mind!

Live in the emotional energy of the thought being already true. That is faith.

Go big, have faith and have fun! And of course check out Affirm me ;)

Mindfully onwards ∞


And last but not least: Thank you, Jon and Odelia, for this great opportunity and the most delightful cooperation! ♡